Main Education/Professional Background
Current Positions Held in this Company and Other Companies
Sean Chen
- Director, Tachun Venture Capital Co., Ltd.
- Director, Antario Corporation
- Chief Executive Officer, xFuture Ltd.
- Executive Vice President, GLMS Group (NTT Com Asia Partner)
- Director of Business Unit, AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.
- Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Goosean Media Inc.
- Assistant Vice President, Sales Consultation, Oracle Corporation Asia Pacific, Greater China region Manager, Application Software
- Development Group, Oracle Corporation USA Headquarter
- IT Manager, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited
- Chairman, Taiwan Mask Corporation
- Chief Executive Officer, USA’s N2 Connectivity Inc
- Director, Xsense Technology
- Director, Xsense Technology Corporation
- Director, BKS Tec Corp.
- President, Ontario Capital Co., Ltd.
Lidon Chen
- General Manager of Xintec Inc.
- General Manager of DelSolar Co., Ltd.
- Director and President of Taiwan Mask Corporation
- Chairman, Xsense Technology Corporation
- Director of Digital-Can Tech. Co., Ltd
- Director, Aptos Technology INC.
- Director of Weida Hi-Tech Co., Ltd.
- Director of Moment Semiconductor, Inc.
Chao-Yi Wu
- Manufacturing and Engineering Department, Wintec Industries Inc.
- Management Department, Sinyi Realty Inc., Japan
- Account Manager, Browave Corporation
- President, Browave Corporation Japan
- Chairperson, Taiwan Mask Corporation
- President, Browave Corporation Japan
- Director, Browave Corporation
- Chairman, Ontario Capital Co., Ltd.
Youe Chung Capital Corporation Representative: Ming-Chung Chang
- Senior Vice President, Delta Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Director, Delta Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Director, Delta Electronics Foundation
- None
Independence Director
Wei-Chen Wang
- CPA, PwC Taiwan
- Independent director, Taiwan Mask Corporation
- Independent director, Ennostar Inc.
- Independent director, Feature Integration Technology Inc.
- Independent director, Etron Technology
- CPA, Zhicheng Hexing CPA Firm
Independence Director
Huan-Kuei Cheng
- Director, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology
- Director, Browave Corporation
- Supervisor, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology
- Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Accounting, Soochow University
- Independent director, Taiwan Mask Corporation
- Director, National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technolog
- Executive Committee Member of the Performance Evaluation of Outside Board of Directors of the Taiwan Corporate Governance Association
- Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Accounting, Soochow University
Independence Director
Hui-Fen Chan
- Taiwan Attorney and New York State Attorney Qualification
- Chief Legal Officer, Altek Corporation
- Head of Legal Affairs, Siliconware Precision
- Partner Attorney, H. L. Partners
- Attorney, Lee and Li
- Independent director, Taiwan Mask Corporation
- Independent director, ITEQ Corporation,
- Independent director, Chipmos Technologies Inc.
- Independent Director, Formosa I Wind Power Co., Ltd.
- Chairman of Keep Enlightment Management Consulting Co., Ltd.
- Chairman, Keep Enlightment Marketing Corp.
Number of Independent Directorships in Other Publicly Issued Companies
Wei-Chen Wang
Huan-Kuei Cheng
Hui-Fen Chan
- Employees not employed by the company or its affiliates.
- Directors and supervisors not affiliated with the company or its subsidiaries.
- Not the individual, their spouse, minor children, or a natural person shareholder who holds more than 1% of the total issued shares or is among the top ten shareholders under another person's name.
- Not the (1) listed executives, or spouses, relatives within the second degree of consanguinity, or direct lineal consanguinity within the third degree of the individuals listed in (2) and (3).
- Not the directors, supervisors, or employees of a corporate shareholder who does not directly hold more than 5% of the total issued shares, is not among the top five shareholders, and is not appointed as a representative director or supervisor by Article 27, Paragraph 1, or Paragraph 2 of the Company Act.
- Not directors, supervisors, or employees of other companies where more than half of the director seats or voting rights are controlled by the same individual who controls the director seats or voting rights in the company.
- Not directors (trustees), supervisors (directors), or employees of other companies or institutions where the Chairman of the Board, General Manager, or equivalent positions are the same person or spouse as those in the company.
- Not directors (trustees), supervisors (directors), executives, or shareholders holding more than 5% of specific companies or institutions with financial or business transactions with the company.
- Professionals, sole proprietors, partners, owners, directors (trustees), supervisors (directors), executives, or employees, and their spouses, who provide business, legal, financial, accounting, or related services to the company or its affiliated enterprises, and whose cumulative compensation in the most recent two years does not exceed NTD 500,000, are not subject to restriction. However, this exemption does not apply to members of the Compensation Committee, Public Tender Offer Review Committee, or Mergers and Acquisitions Special Committee performing duties under the Securities and Exchange Act or the Company Merger and Acquisition Act.
- Not having a spousal or second-degree or closer familial relationship with other directors.
- Not falling under any of the circumstances specified in Article 30 of the Company Act.
- Not elected under the provisions of Article 27 of the Company Act by the government, legal persons, or their representatives.


Management Objectives
The number of independent directors must be at least 3, or 1/5 of board seats, whichever is higher.
The number of board seats held by a company executive should not exceed 1/3 of total board seats.
There should be a minimum of two female directors on the board.
Internal Performance Evaluation of the Board and Functional Committees:
To implement corporate governance and enhance the functioning of our board, we have established performance goals to strengthen operational efficiency. In accordance with the Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles set by the regulatory authorities, we have formulated the "Board Performance Evaluation Guidelines" (referred to as these guidelines). Annually, we conduct an internal board performance evaluation based on the evaluation procedures and indicators outlined in these guidelines. The board and its functional committees should conduct a self-assessment of performance at least once a year. Additionally, once every three years, an external professional independent organization or a team of external expert scholars should carry out an evaluation. The evaluation period should conclude at the end of each fiscal year, and the results should be reported to the board in the first quarter of the following year.
Metrics for Performance Evaluation:
- The performance evaluation of the board includes five major dimensions with a total of 45 assessment indicators. These dimensions are "Degree of Participation in Company Operations," "Quality of Board Decision-Making," "Composition and Structure of the Board," "Appointment and Continuous Education of Directors," and "Internal Control."
- The individual performance evaluation of each board member (self-assessment or peer evaluation) includes a total of 23 assessment indicators. These indicators cover "Understanding of Company Goals and Missions," "Awareness of Director Responsibilities," "Degree of Participation in Company Operations," "Internal Relationship Management and Communication," "Professionalism and Continuous Education of Directors," and "Internal Control."
- The performance evaluation of the Audit Committee includes a total of 22 assessment indicators. These indicators encompass "Degree of Participation in Company Operations," "Awareness of Committee Responsibilities," "Quality of Committee Decision-Making," "Composition and Appointment of Committee Members," and "Internal Control."
- The performance evaluation of the Compensation Committee includes a total of 19 assessment indicators. These indicators cover "Degree of Participation in Company Operations," "Awareness of Committee Responsibilities," "Enhancing the Quality of Committee Decision-Making," and "Composition and Appointment of Committee Members."