Energy and greenhouse gases
TMC's primary energy source is purchased electricity. To mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity consumption and prevent the acceleration of global warming, TMC has implemented an equipment energy-saving improvement plan. This plan involves not only adopting energy-saving measures but also incorporating renewable energy sources.
Manage and Respond
- Establishing a group plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy conservation, with an annual performance review conducted by the environmental team.
- Enhancing energy efficiency to reduce the energy consumption associated with company operations and product manufacturing, thereby improving economic benefits and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- Promoting and implementing energy management programs for offices and public areas, and through advocacy and educational training, fostering a culture of energy conservation and carbon reduction among company employees.

Air pollution control
TMC recognizes that improper operation of pollution control equipment during the operation and production processes could lead to inadequately treated emissions. To address this, TMC aligns its operational characteristics with pollution prevention, aiming to effectively reduce pollution sources and optimize the operation of control equipment. The company also emphasizes personnel education and training to ensure that staff is familiar with the operation of pollution control equipment.
Manage and Respond
- Ensuring that the emissions generated from the internal processes are treated to meet the requirements of environmental regulations.
- Conducting pollution testing in accordance with the permit requirements to ensure compliance with emission standards.
- Reducing the emission of air pollutants to levels better than the established standards.

Water resource management
Due to the expansion of production capacity, the water intake has increased in recent years. Additionally, there is a risk of deterioration in the material of the wastewater storage tank, which has been in use for a long time. This could potentially lead to wastewater leakage, posing a threat to the external environment of the factory.
Manage and Respond
- In 2023, a box washing machine recycling water system was installed, achieving a pure water recycling rate of 100%. This initiative results in an annual water savings of 3,650 metric tons.
- TMC reinforced the raw water tank of its wastewater system by applying multiple layers of Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) after cement reinforcement. This modification aims to reduce the negative impact of wastewater discharge.

Waste management
Improper handling or lack of resource utilization of waste increases waste generation and the potential for ecological damage. TMC actively seeks feasible solutions for the recycling of waste, promoting waste resource utilization through classification management and tracking its flow.
Manage and Respond
- Monitoring international environmental trends, assessing opportunities and risks, properly managing waste, and efficiently utilizing energy resources to promote a circular economy.
- Establishing a comprehensive management mechanism for waste removal and disposal operations, including features such as GPS tracking, vendor management, reconciliation, and storage area management.
- Promoting process technology improvements and implementing source management measures to reduce the use of raw materials and waste generation.
Climate change
Climate change is an undeniable issue in today's business landscape. TMC actively monitors the risks and opportunities associated with climate change, following the framework of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). TMC identifies climate-related financial risks and opportunities through the elements of governance, strategy, risk management, metrics, and targets. By managing and disclosing climate-related financial risks and opportunities, TMC aims to proactively address and mitigate potential impacts, reducing the overall impact of climate change on the company.

Established the TMC Corporate Sustainability Management Committee, with decision-making and management led by the CEO, representatives from various departments participating, and quarterly reporting to the CEO on sustainable planning and management, including climate-related issues. Annual reports on relevant outcomes are regularly presented to the board of directors.

In accordance with the TCFD framework, TMC analyzes climate change risks and opportunities. It evaluates the relevant impacts on issues and operations, assesses transformation risks, physical risks, and opportunities for TMC, and defines the time horizons for the impact of risks/opportunities, categorizing them as short-term (within 3 years), medium-term (3 to 5 years), and long-term (5 years and above).
Risk Management

Representatives from various departments actively participate, engaging in discussions and proposing management strategies for climate-related financial risks/opportunities. This involvement is integrated into future operational planning. Continuous monitoring of the latest developments in domestic and international government policies and the semiconductor industry is conducted. Annually, a review of changes in policy regulations, technology, market dynamics, reputational aspects, immediate or long-term physical risks, and derived opportunities is performed, with adjustments made accordingly by management.
Indicators and Goals

TMC's primary source of greenhouse gas emissions is electricity consumption, accounting for approximately 99%. Therefore, energy efficiency is established as a key performance indicator. TMC plans to adopt the ISO 14064 standard for greenhouse gas accounting in 2023. This initiative aims to comprehensively assess the greenhouse gas emissions, track related usage and emission patterns, and verify the effectiveness of reduction measures.