- In 2022, the completion of solar power generation equipment is projected to yield an annual output of 356 kWh, equivalent to planting 1,282 trees.
- In 2022, the implementation of four energy-saving projects resulted in a total energy savings of approximately 2,289,804 kWh/year. This corresponds to a greenhouse gas emission reduction of approximately 1,133.45 tons of CO2e, equivalent to the carbon absorption capacity of three Daan Forest Parks for a whole year.
In recent years, in response to the global trend of energy conservation and carbon reduction, TMC has actively implemented measures such as organization and streamlining, industrial waste reduction, and resource conservation. The company has internalized the concepts of energy conservation and carbon reduction, as well as environmental protection, into the work environment. This ensures that employees incorporate these principles into company decision-making, execution, and daily life. TMC continues to implement waste reduction initiatives with the ultimate goal of achieving an environmentally non-polluting environment.
Energy Usage at Operational and Production Sites Primarily Relies on Purchased Electricity

In 2022, despite an increase in factory production capacity, TMC experienced a decrease of approximately 2% in energy intensity compared to 2021. Taking 2017 as the baseline year, TMC has achieved an accumulated energy savings rate of about 14% by 2022. This effectively demonstrates the success of TMC's energy-saving measures and the effective promotion of energy-saving principles within the company.
2017-2022 Energy Consumption and Savings

TMC has been actively replacing old equipment with energy-efficient ones to reduce energy consumption while plans to adopt renewable energy are underway. By the end of 2022, solar power generation facilities with a total area of 2,677.5 m2 will be installed at TMC's Fab 1, Fab 2, and Fab 6 in Taiwan. It is expected to generate 356 kWh of electricity, serving as a measure for TMC to address and adapt to the operational impacts of climate-related risks in the future.

In 2022, TMC's total greenhouse gas emissions amounted to 15,528.89 tons of CO2e. The primary contribution came from indirect energy emissions related to electricity usage (Scope 2), accounting for 98% of the company's total emissions. The remaining 2% comprises direct emissions (Scope 1) from sources such as diesel generators, process steel cylinders, government vehicle fuels (gasoline and diesel), septic tanks, and air conditioning equipment.
TMC's greenhouse gas emission
項目 | 2017年(基準年) | 2018年 | 2019年 | 2020年 | 2021年 | 2022年 |
範疇一 (tonCO2e) | 45.94 | 41.01 | 39.11 | 59.59 | 66.00 | 304.82 |
範疇二 (tonCO2e) | 16,254.69 | 16,254.76 | 15,089.41 | 15,290.52 | 15,428.27 | 15,224.07 |
排放量加總 (tonCO2e) | 16,300.63 | 16,259.77 | 15,128.52 | 15,350.11 | 15,494.27 | 15,528.89 |
削減率 (%) | 0.0 | 0.25 | 7.19 | 5.83 | 4.95 | 4.73 |
Note 1: Emission factors source: Referring to the Environmental Protection Administration's announced Greenhouse Gas Emission Factor Management Table 6.0.4.
Note 2: Power coefficient based on the latest release from the Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, with a coefficient of 0.495 kgCO2e/kWh.
Note 3: Product weights for 2021 and 2022 are 18,483 kilograms and 20,367 kilograms, respectively.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Taiwan Mask Corporation

Two major reduction initiatives in 2022: (1) Installation of energy-efficient equipment (2) Completion of factory lighting upgrades. The total energy savings amount to approximately 2,289,804 kWh per year, resulting in a greenhouse gas emission reduction of around 1,133.45 tons of CO2e.